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I love this so much but I kinda want more levels not to complain because it has the best physics ive seen

Really great game!  loved the art as well. The music becomes repetitive by the end, but its a 10/10!

Are you planning on developing more levels?

Beer is the fuel of Rogues you know, that's why we CAN. NOT. RUN. OUT. 

But... what if we do?...

Rogues like beer - Jeansentis

so amazing


It's a good game just the final level It took me 5 mins to beat it lol

solid a- tier game BRUH



I feel bad leaving another rogue in a level to move on (because it's too cute)
Please more levels
Please let them drop items ( those expression of struggle while carrying a stuff is a cute but I pity them)

Cool game that requires sacrifices, very nicely done.


The music is amazing! That was one of the best games on I absolutely love the cell shaded look. Would love to see more levels. This is my personal pick for the best ludam dare 43 game. 

Love the art and animations, would be cool if it was reused in a other game that plays in a tavern. I'm not the puzzler type of player, only played around 8 levels.

How do you call your friend if you don't have a mouse

It's been 6 months but I hold ctrl and alt to switch

Really cool game hopefully more levels will be added on

Nice game


An interesting game.


alguien de nico core 


love the style


It was nice, but please specify in the controls that space is used to jump. I was really confused for a while.

A quick little fun game to spend your time. 10 minutes to beat it, but a really fun game

Well that was fun! Love the music and the mr Meeseeks-like guys. I couldn't finish the last level, tho.


Those egg heads are very funny...Clever game...Very well done...!!!

Thanks for this, I recently covered this in a "3 games 1 video" episode, check it out:

Super fun little puzzles i would love a longer game of this!

I'm getting an incredible "Tiny and Big: Grandpa's Leftovers" vibe from this. Well done.

I only have one thing to say about this game and that is YES! This game is awesome! I had alot of fun playing and it looks nice. I only wish for more levels.

Good job! :D

PS. Sacrifices must be made

Fun puzzles and stylized gfx combined made it an enjoyable experience overall. Would play if there are more puzzles

The puzzles are fun but the death count is high xD

i love puzzle and something absurb but i feel guilty to smash some potato man for beer

Really cool graphic and fun game play. Good work!

I think you put a lot of effort into this and did a good job.  Off to a great start!

Fun game with well crafted, but simple puzzles.
In my opinion it could be polished more and more variables could be added, in addition to different levels, because the ones available make it feel like a very short game.
Graphically I think the cell shadin is too strong and could be lowered a bit, and textures don't always feel in harmony (especially walls and floors).
The "story" is unfortunately unexistent, apart for the starting dialogue there's nothing more to keep the mood and the humor and even the ending is nothing more than a "thank you for playing the game" with no outro making you question your sacrifices/ showing the pals drinking the beer together.
1.5/5 for me, but keep going on with new games!

Really fun game. I usually don't like puzzle games ,because i suck at them, but this was really good.

I loved this game. Visuals were both hilarious and creative, would love to see this expanded out more into something bigger. If you are curious about trying this game I recommend giving it a go, it has originality and charm, two things that a lot of games miss out on these days. If you want a taste of the gameplay I made a lets play of the game. Thanks to the developers for posting this game, and I hope you make more!

Made a video

if you pick up an item and then use it to hang off of a ledge, your character drops the item. this makes the game much easier, as you can use these to get up onto the wooden beams in the walls and walk to the exit of several levels

I had a blast with this game! Entirely creative and I was surprised when the guys got crushed! I almost didn't notice it at first! Wish there was more to it! Keep up the great work! Hope you don't mind me adding my video to the pile! XD

Great game.


Constantly impressed with how much you get done during these jams!


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